Three Ring Circuits Lighting Equipment Rental Price List and Inventory
Prices are PER WEEKEND for nonprofit groups only:
$150 for the Hog 500 (includes monitor & keyboard)
$100 for the Express 125 (includes monitor)
$50 for the MicroVision (includes monitor)
$50 for the DMX/AMX or DMX/EDI converter
$10 for the DMX/analog converter (includes CJ breakouts, order separate)
$10 for the Teatronics two-scene board (includes worklight & CJ breakout)
$10 per dimmer 6 pack
$20 for the Teatronics 12-pack
$1 per channel for Lutron dimmers
$1 for the switchbox
$10 for the remote focus unit with cordless phone
$6 per other electrical item: DMX splitter, DMX wireless TX/RX, distro box, bell board,
fogger, fireplace log set
$6 per wireless headset
$6 for the Hubbellock connector or Camloc set
$20 per ColorMerge or ColorPower or ColorCommand
$10 per color scroller, gobo rotator without gobos, FilmFX without band
$10 for the followspot (includes base, stand, and sight)
$6 per strobe light (includes strobe controller)
$6 per blacklight
$10 for use of the gel box
Each instrument includes clamp, integral safety wire, and frame at no
charge. Frames and additional loose safety wires must be ordered as
separate items.
$100 per Vari*Lite VL1000ts or VL1100ti
$30 per ETC Lustr LED ERS
$25 per Selador Lustr LED wash light
$6 per Source Four or Pacific ERS
$10 per Source Four ERS with EDLT
$5 per striplight
$4 per Source Four MCM PAR (cold mirror), PARNel, or CCT zoom ERS
$2 per quartz flood
$3 per other instrument (regular Source Four PAR, chimney ERS any size, Fresnel any
size, PAR64, beam projector)
$0.50 per barndoor, gobo holder, metal gobo, followspot sight
$5 per FilmFX band or glass gobo
$6 per drop-in iris
$0.50 per sidearm, base, pipe, T-top, Pony clamp, etc. (couplings
and mandrels no charge but must be ordered)
$0.50 per adapter, twofer, threefer, or terminator
$0.05 per foot for distro cable
$0.02 per foot for stage and Twistlock cable
$0.08 per foot for 4-circuit stage multi cable
$0.01 per foot for Edison, DMX, XLR, and analog control cable
Terms & Conditions
Payment is due upon return of equipment, cash or check accepted.
Renter agrees to pay to repair or replace damaged or missing equipment.
10% spare lamps supplied but must be ordered as a separate item.
No charge for burnouts if burned lamp is returned.
Broken or lost lamps will be charged for.
Gaffer tape only on plugs and yokes. No duct tape or masking tape ANYWHERE.
All added tape must be removed before returning. Do not remove color coding.
All instruments must be returned pointing parallel to yoke and locked, with
shutters and lens tubes in, rotating barrels at neutral position and
locked, safety chain self-clipped and wrapped around the body of the
instrument, cord wrapped around the body. Do not thread the cord
through the yoke!
All Vari*Lites, Lustrs, ColorMerges, control boards etc. supplied in boxes
must be returned in their original boxes with all original packing
materials. For Vari*Lites, the number on the instrument must match
the number on the box. For Lustrs, all the accessories must be packed
exactly as shown on the label.
All cable must be returned individually coiled, ends plugged together
where possible, tied with tie line in a bow (no tape or tie-wraps).
All threaded pipe must be returned with ends protected.
Tools and expendables no charge for shows I'm working on.
Delivery or pickup $50 per trip in the metro Boston/southern NH area.
Qty Description Connector Lampholder Watts Lamp Notes
4 Vari*Lite VL1000ts stage G22 1000 VL1K +2 down
1 Vari*Lite VL1000ti stage G22 1000 VL1K
6 Selecon Pacific 90° stage M2P 575 5 GLC, 1 FLK
8 ETC S4 ERS LED Lustr Series 2 Edison nondim 171
31 ETC Source Four ERS lamphouse stage M2PHS 575 HPL575
8 ETC Source Four ERS lamphouse stage M2PHS 750 HPL750
8 Shutter/barrel assembly for LED-specific XD lens tubes
1 14 degree Source Four lens tube
8 19 degree Source Four lens tube
2 19 degree Source Four Enhanced Definition lens tube
6 26 degree Source Four lens tube
2 26 degree Source Four Enhanced Definition lens tube
12 36 degree Source Four lens tube
1 36 degree Source Four Enhanced Definition lens tube
16 50 degree Source Four lens tube
6 70 degree Source Four lens tube
4 90 degree Source Four lens tube
24 Selador Lustr LED fixture w/lenses Edison - 125 -
2 Striplight 8' 4 ckt (need repair) stage feedthru Edison 120 120R40FL usable
13 Quartz flood Edison feedthru Dbl end 300 Q300T3 +2 no glass
1 Scoop 14" stage Mog screw 1000 1000CL
4 PAR38 with coil cord Edison Edison 75 Q75PAR38: 2 FL, 1 SP
1 PAR-56 (Ray-Lite, wrong lamp) Edison GY9.5 600 BHC/DYS/DYV
1 PAR-56 with floor stand Edison MEP 500 500PAR56WFL
12 PAR-64 stage EMEP 1000 FFS
16 Source 4 PAR 7" stage M2PHS 575 HPL575
6 Source 4 MCM 7" stage M2PHS 575 HPL575
22 Source 4 PAR lens pack
12 Source Four PARNel, 750w stage M2PHS 750 HPL750
1 Fresnel 3" Edison SC bay 100 100G16
6 Fresnel 6" Edison MPF 500 BTL
6 Fresnel 6" stage MPF 500 DNW
8 Fresnel 6" stage MPF 750 BTN
4 Fresnel 8" stage MogPF 1000 BVV
5 Fresnel 12" stage MogBP 2000 CYX
2 Beam projector 12" stage MPF 500 BTL
1 ERS 3.5x6 axial Edison M2P 575 FLK
4 ERS 4.5x6 axial stage M2P 575 3 FLK, 1 GLA
4 ERS 6x9 axial stage M2P 575 FLK
5 ERS 6x12 axial stage M2P 500-750 1 EHD,1 EHG,2 FLK,1 LL
5 ERS 6x16 axial 4 stage,1 Edison M2P 575-750 1 EHG, 2 FLK, 2 FLK-LL
1 ERS 6x22 axial stage M2P 575 FLK-LL
9 ERS CCT axial zoom 12-26§ stage M2P 1000 FEL
1 Altman 902 followspot Edison MogPF 1500 DTA
2 ColorCommand Edison M2P 750 Philips
2 Strobe, Diversitronic Edison Dbl end
4 Blacklight, 4', 2 tube Edison F40 40 F40BL/B
212 Total instruments
Qty Type Watts Lumens Kelvin Hours Base Fits Notes
1 250T20 250 4600 2900 200 MPF F6, BP Glass
5 500T20 (DNW) 500 9500 3050 500 MPF F6, BP Glass
14 BTL 500 11000 3050 750 MPF F6, BP
2 BTN 750 17000 3050 500 MPF F6, BP
3 EHD 500 10600 3000 2000 M2P L3x6, CCT
2 EHG 750 15400 3000 2000 M2P L3x6, CCT
16 FEL 1000 27500 3200 300 M2P Tubby, CCT
5 FLK (HX600) 575 16500 3200 300 M2P L3x6, CCT
1 GLC 575 ? 3200 400 M2P(HS) Pacific, S4, etc.
14 HPL375/115 375 10540 3200 300 M2PHS Source Four
4 HPL575/115 575 16500 3250 300 M2PHS Source Four
3 HPL750/115 750 21900 3250 300 M2PHS Source Four
3 VL1K-115V 1000 28500 3200 300 G22 VL1000T
5 500PAR64MFL 500 37kcp 2800 2000 EMEP PAR-64
5 EYC (12 V) 75 2.7kcp 3050 2000 GX5.3 MR-16 Glass face
2 FFS (WFL) 1000 40kcp 3200 800 EMEP PAR-64
1 100G16SC 100 1660 2850 200 SC bay F3 Glass
3 Q300T3 300 6000 3000 2000 Dbl end Floods
18 FCZ (Q500T3) 500 10700 3000 2000 Dbl end Floods Frosted
1 BVV 1000 27500 3200 200 MogPF F8
4 1500G40/21 1500 35500 3000 200 MogPF F8 Glass
1 DTA 1500 39000 3200 100 MogPF Followspot
2 DTJ 1500 39000 3200 50 MogPF Followspot Glass
10 CYV 1000 28500 3200 200 MogBP F12
1 CYX 2000 59000 3200 400 MogBP F12
11 CFL blacklight 13 - - - Edison Foots
4 Gobo holder for 3.5" ERS (channel)
16 Gobo holder, A size, for Source Four (sandwich)
2 Gobo holder, B size, for Source Four (sandwich)
1 Gobo holder, B size, for Source Four (glass sandwich)
1 Gobo holder, B size, for Source Four (channel)
6 Gobo holder, B size, for Source Four (glass channel, fits in iris slot)
6 Gobo holder, A size, for Pacific
9 Gobo holder for 6" ERS (sandwich)
1 Gobo Apollo 2507 Clock Minute Hand
1 Gobo Apollo 2508 Clock Hour Hand
1 Gobo Apollo 3314 I Do
7 Gobo GAM 218 Realistic Leaves
3 Gobo GAM 225 Cloud 2 One undersized
2 Gobo GAM 227 Cloud 4
1 Gobo GAM 231 Realistic Stars
1 Gobo GAM 234 Starburst
2 Gobo GAM 243 Star breakup
2 Gobo GAM 249 Bars (Jail Door)
3 Gobo GAM 251 Spring Branches
1 Gobo GAM 270 Fireworks
1 Gobo GAM 287 Fireworks B
2 Gobo GAM 289 Cloud 14A
1 Gobo GAM 310 Small Snowflakes
1 Gobo GAM 313 Cloud 15
9 Gobo GAM 317 Pebbles
1 Gobo GAM 323 Star of David
1 Gobo GAM 338 Intermission
1 Gobo GAM 356 Sparkler
2 Gobo GAM 508 Cloud 18 Cut for 3" instrument
3 Gobo GAM 533 Tropical Foliage
1 Gobo GAM 555 Star Cluster
2 Gobo GAM 581 Diagonal Breakup
2 Gobo GAM 608 Cloud 25A
1 Gobo GAM 609 Cloud 25B
1 Gobo GAM 635 Construction A
2 Gobo GAM 643 Moonscape
1 Gobo GAM 814 Menorah
1 Gobo GAM 832 Sacramental Wine Cup
2 Gobo GAM 833 Please Turn Off...
1 Gobo Lee GBB200b Tree 2
1 Gobo Rosco 6562 Hangmans Noose
4 Gobo Rosco 7146 Perpendicular A size
1 Gobo Rosco 7177 Lightning 2
2 Gobo Rosco 7213 Fairy Castle
1 Gobo Rosco 7219 Lips
2 Gobo Rosco 7258 Captains
2 Gobo Rosco 7259 Courageous
1 Gobo Rosco 7305 Eiffel Tower
1 Gobo Rosco 7320 Tree 3
2 Gobo Rosco 7514 Star Cluster
1 Gobo Rosco 7525 Solar Burst
1 Gobo Rosco 7628 Lightning 3
5 Gobo Rosco 7732 Realistic Leaves
1 Gobo Rosco 7761 Spiral
6 Gobo Rosco 7764 Amorphous
1 Gobo Rosco 7766 Fireworks 1
1 Gobo Rosco 7767 Fireworks 2
2 Gobo Rosco 7772 Snowflakes Worn
1 Gobo Rosco 7776 Lightning Branch
1 Gobo Rosco 7777 Bare Branches 2
1 Gobo Rosco 7801B Fireworks 5B
1 Gobo Rosco 7801C Fireworks 5C
1 Gobo Rosco 7875 British Isles
1 Gobo Rosco 7969 Dollars
14 Gobo Rosco 7806 Leaf Breakup LG A size
1 Gobo Rosco 7837 Snowfall Worn
1 Gobo Rosco 7841 Forest
2 Gobo Rosco 7884 Snow
1 Gobo Rosco 7920 Clock Face
1 Gobo Rosco 8113 Hollywood
1 Gobo MB 125
1 Gobo MB Birthday Cake
1 Gobo MB Blue Ribbon
1 Gobo MB Candlestick
1 Gobo MB Crescent Moon
1 Gobo MB Ellipse 45°
1 Gobo MB Ferris Wheel
2 Gobo MB Helicopter Blades
1 Gobo MB Helicopter Body
1 Gobo MB Lighthouse
3 Gobo MB Pentagram
5 Gobo MB Real Stars
1 Gobo MB Splat
4 Gobo MB Train Windows
1 Gobo MB Triangle
9 Gobo MB Union Jack Grid
6 Colorizer Rosco 43804 Sunset Prismatic Glass
1 Gobo Custom Queen Victoria Glass
1 Gobo Apollo SR0086 Half Moon Glass
1 Gobo Apollo SR1009 Moon Natural Glass
1 Gobo Rosco 82701 Cumulus Glass Glass
1 Gobo Rosco 82703 Nimbus Glass Glass
1 Slide MB God Save The Queen
3 Loop GAM 1 Fluffy Clouds
1 Loop GAM 2 Fire/Waves
2 Loop GAM 11 Heavy Rain
1 Gobo VL 41.6010.4307 Irregular Spiral
1 Gobo VL 41.6010.4308 Jagged Spiral
2 Gobo VL 41.6010.5504 Barren Trees
1 Gobo VL 41.6010.6006 Circle of Holes #3
1 Gobo VL 41.6010.6012 Circle of Ovals #2
5 Gobo VL 41.6010.7001 Globular Breakup
5 Gel frame, 4" for 3" instrument
31+8/2 Gel frame, 6" x 5.75" for striplight
48 Gel frame, 6.25" for Source Four (including 10 cardboard)
6 Gel frame, 7.25" for Pacific (usable as scroller plates)
34 Gel frame, 7.5" for 6" instrument
40 Gel frame, 7.5" large aperture for ETC
4 Gel frame, 9.75" for CCT
23 Gel frame, 10" for 8" instrument (1 is oversize)
2 Gel frame, 12" round for beam projector
6 Barn door, 7.5" frame for 6" instrument
6 Barn door, 7.5" frame for 6" instrument, with color extender
1 Barn door, 14" frame for 12" Fresnel
1 Tophat, 7.5" frame for 6" instrument
2 Tophat, 10" frame for 8" instrument
1 Iris, drop-in, for Source Four
13 ColorMerge dichroic color changer for Source Four ERS
5 Color scroller, DMX, with plate for 6" instrument
6 Scroller plate for Source Four
3 TwinSpin II gobo rotator, Source Four 120V
3 GAM FilmFX animator
1 Followspot sight
1 Distribution breaker box, no cord to 8 @ 5-20 F
1 Distribution breaker box, no cord to 3 @ (14-50, 5-20, & 20A2P&G) F
1 Distribution cable, 14-50, 40'
1 Distribution cable, 14-50, 80'
1 Adapter, 14-50 F to 10-30 M
1 Adapter, 14-50 F to 10-50 M
2 Adapter, 14-50 F to 14-60 M
1 10-30 M to lugs
2 10-50 M to lugs
2 14-50 F to bare ends
1 14-50 M to bare ends
1 14-60 M to bare ends
2 Hubbellock M to bare ends
1 Set 5 Camloc M to bare ends #2/0 (320A)
1 Set 5 Camloc (3M, 2F) to bare ends #2 (190A) 14' (on Teatronics 12x2.4k pack)
2 Rolling rover base for 1" pipe, one with caster locks
2 50lb boom base for 1 1/2" pipe
4 Pipe, 3/4" x 1 ft.
3 Pipe, 1" x 10 ft.
2 Pipe, 1 1/2" x 1 ft.
2 Pipe, 1 1/2" x 4 ft.
2 Pipe, 1 1/2" x 7.5 ft.
6 Pipe, 1 1/2" x 10 ft.
2 T-top, 1 1/2" x 7 ft.
2 Telescoping rover pipe, 1"
1 Followspot trunnion, 1"
2 Mandrel, 1" x 2 ft.
6 Pipe coupling, 1 1/2"
3 Pony pipe clamp, 3/4" x 2.5 ft.
1 Pony pipe clamp, 3/4" x 3 ft.
4 Pony pipe clamp, 3/4" x 3.5 ft.
12 Pony pipe clamp, 3/4" x 4 ft.
4 Pony pipe clamp, 3/4" x 5 ft.
7 Sidearm, 18" single tee
2 Sidearm, 18" single tee, double clamp
3 Sidearm/Endarm, 18" single tee
2 Sidearm/Endarm, 5' single tee
2 S-hook
13 Safety chain, unattached
5 4' chain
4 10' chain
6 Quick-link 1/4"
3 1/4-20 carriage bolt with washers & nuts
4 3/8" carriage bolt with washers & nuts
6 Clamp, Rota-Lock for 1.5" pipe
12 Mega-Clamp for Vari*Lites (two are huge and ungainly)
18 C-clamp, unattached
21 Long clamp bolt
2 Floor base, wood, 24" x 48", for VL + 2 CM
12 Floor trunnion set for Selador Lustr
10 Lag bolt, 1/2" x 2"
4 Lag bolt, 1/2" x 3"
12 Flange clamp
22 Wood block
6 Masonite shim
1 Jands Hog 500 controller (DMX) with power cord, book, & keyboard
1 Express 125 controller (DMX) with power supply, power cord, and books
1 Microvision FX controller (DMX) with power cord, 2 books, & DS/DD disks
1 LCD monitor for Hog or Express with base, integral cable, and power cord
1 RGB monitor for MicroVision with base, integral cable, & power cord
1 Response DMX to 96 Analog converter with power cord
1 Response DMX to AMX converter
1 Three Ring Circuits DMX to EDI converter
2 GAM Opto-Iso DMX splitter with charger
1 Teatronics Tech Director 24-channel 2-scene preset board, analog, with power cord
2 ColorPower supply for ColorMerges
1 Remote focus unit with power supply
2 Cordless analog phone with handset, phone cord, & power supply
2 Dimmer pack, American DJ, 4 channel @ 600w, Edison to Edison, DMX, one has channel 1 bad)
1 Dimmer pack, LMI, 6 channel @ 1200w, stage to Edison, analog (channel 3 bad, breaker & flicker)
2 Dimmer pack, LMI, 6 channel @ 1200w, stage to stage, analog (one OK, one with channel 5 bad)
1 Dimmer pack, TTI, 6 channel @ 2400w, stage to 14-50P, analog (channel 3 questionable)
1 Dimmer pack, TTI, 6 channel @ 2400w, Edison to 14-50P, analog (channel 1 bad)
1 Dimmer pack, TTI, 6 channel @ 2400w, Edison to stage, analog (all channels OK)
1 Dimmer pack, TTI, 6 channel @ 2400w, Twistlock to 14-50P, analog (all channels OK)
1 Dimmer pack, Teatronics, 12 channel @ 1200w, Edison to 14-50P, analog (all channels OK)
1 Dimmer pack, Teatronics, 12 channel @ 2400w, stage to mixed-sex Camloc, DMX
1 Dimmer board, Lutron, 12 channel @ 1000w, Edison
1 Dimmer board, Lutron, 3 channel @ 1500/1500/1000w, Edison
1 Dimmer pigtail, Lutron, 1 channel @ 1000w, Edison
1 Humphrey dimmer, 1200w, stage
1 Autotransformer, 5400w
1 Autotransformer, 2 @ 3360w
1 Rheostat, 750-1000w, stage
1 Switchbox, 6 channel @ 1560w, Edison
1 Strobe controller, Diversitronic
2 Audio dimmer, Lutron, 600w
4 RC4 wireless DMX transmitter/receiver w/power supply, one configured as transmitter
2 RC4 wireless DMX dimmer, 6-30 V 10 A DC
1 Twistlock 12' brown/red
1 30A Twistlock 25' red/green
16 Stage F to Edison M 1' to 5'
1 Stage F to 20A Edison M 18"
6 Stage F to Twistlock M 1'
2 Stage F to tip-out Twistlock M 18"
3 Twistlock F to stage M 2' to 9'
7 Twistlock F to Edison M 48'
7 Edison F to stage M 1' to 7'
1 Quad 20A Edison F to Stage M 1'
7 Edison F to Twistlock M 2'
2 Edison F to Twistlock M 48'
1 Quad Edison F to 30A Twistlock M 7'
Misc. Cable ends, cable, wire, Edison connectors, stage pin connectors, L5-20 Twistlocks, odd Twistlocks
21 Stage 2fer
1 Stage 5' green
6 Stage 10' white
8 Stage 15' brown/green
9 Stage 25' red/green
8 Stage 35' orange/green
6 Stage 50' yellow/white
2 Stage multicable 4x50' yellow/white
1 Stage multicable 4x57' green/violet
12 Edison 3fer
3 Long Edison 3fer
1 Edison quad 11'
2 Edison outlet strip 3' 4 outlet
5 Edison surge suppressor outlet strip 3' 6 outlet
2 Edison 5' grey
3 Edison 6' tan
8 Edison 9' orange, grey, or tan
4 Edison 15' grey or orange
9 Edison 25' yellow or orange
8 Edison 50' orange
1 Edison 50' orange with duplex outlet
8 Edison 100' orange
1 Analog control cable, 10-pin CJ, 10'
2 Analog control cable, 10-pin CJ, 25'
2 Analog control cable, 10-pin CJ, 100'
1 Analog control cable, 10-pin CJ, 150'
1 Analog control spider, 36-pin Blue Ribbon to five 8-pin CJ (for ETC Response)
2 Analog control spider, 36-pin Blue Ribbon to five 10-pin CJ (for ETC Response)
1 Analog control spider, DA15S to two 10-pin CJ (for Teatronics DPI1212 pack)
1 Analog control spider, DB25P to four 10-pin CJ (for Teatronics Tech Director board)
21 DMX control cable, 5' XLR-5
7 DMX control cable, 10' XLR-5, white
5 DMX control cable, 25' XLR-5, red/green
7 DMX control cable, 50' XLR-5, yellow/white
2 DMX control cable, 100' XLR-5, white/white
1 DMX Groton adapter, XLR-5F/XLR-5F
2 DMX adapter for DJ-class XLR-3F/XLR-5M
2 DMX adapter for DJ-class XLR-5F/XLR-3M
1 DMX Y-cable, 2@XLR-5F/XLR-5M
5 DMX terminator, XLR-5M
1 Strobe control cable, 21' XLR-4, red/brown
1 Strobe control cable, 25' XLR-4, red/green
1 Strobe control cable, 99' XLR-4, white/white
6 Color changer cable, 10' XLR-4, white
2 Color changer cable, 15' XLR-4, brown/green
6 Color changer cable, 25' XLR-4, red/green
4 Color changer cable, 50' XLR-4, yellow/white
5 Color changer terminator, XLR-4M
1 AMX adapter for Response Analog, XLR-4F/XLR-5F
1 12-V EYC in Fresnel hood with battery & harness
2 Flickering black lantern
1 Flickering Zippo lighter
1 Teapot circuit
2 Catchable firefly
1 Mashable firefly
2 Satellite LED flasher
1 Rechargeable battery spotlight with charger & car cord
2 Handheld battery strobe
1 Roto-mirror 120 VAC
1 Fireplace log set 120 VAC
1 Ghost light head 120 VAC
3 Two-way radio, FRS 460MHz 14 channel with VOX headset
1 Tensor lamp
1 Littl-Lite BNC 12v with one power supply (+1 intermittent Littl-Lite)
1 Tripod flashlight
1 Small rubber flashlight
1 Hot plate
1 Road case
2 Rope, 50 ft. nylon
1 Bell board
1 Fogger, 700W 2500 cfm
1 Ladder, 17 ft. extension
1 Ladder, 25 ft. extension
1 Stepladder, 6 ft.
1 Stepladder, 16 ft.
2 Pipe wrench
1 Chain cutter
1 Lighting tool box
1 Digital volt-ohm meter
1 Digital wattmeter
1 Digital footcandle meter
1 Circuit finder set
2 Test light (stage)
1 Backstage Handbook
1 Photometric Handbook
1 Sylvania Lighting Handbook
0 Bromberg stencil (to replace)
0 3RC stencil (to replace)
1 Tub O' Gels with brads, gel sample books, gel repair tape, & grease pencil
1 Roll of 16" scoop cuts
1 Roll of gel sheets & scraps
2 Roll of tie line
1 Bag of cut tie line
3 Roll 2" black gaffer tape
2 Roll 1" brown gaffer tape
1 Roll 1" red gaffer tape
2 Roll 1" orange gaffer tape
2 Roll 1" yellow gaffer tape
1 Roll 2" yellow gaffer tape
1 Roll 1" green gaffer tape
1 Roll 1/2" fluorescent green gaffer tape
1 Roll 1" blue gaffer tape
1 Roll 1/2" violet gaffer tape
1 Roll 1" kinda-violet gaffer tape
2 Roll 1" grey gaffer tape
1 Roll 1" white gaffer tape
1 Roll 2" white gaffer tape
2 Roll 1" gel repair tape
3 Roll 8" yellow/black tunnel tape
1 Roll 1/2" white fiberglass tape
2 Roll 2" black foil tape
1 Roll 1/2" glow tape
2 Roll 12" blackwrap
1 Package 11" tie-wraps
1 Can tuner tonic
1 Space blanket
0 Fuse, 10A, SLC-10A (for older LMI pack)
1 Fuse, 15A, KAA-15 (for newer LMI packs)
3 Fuse, 35A, KAW-A-35 or KAA-30 (for TTI packs)
4 Fuse, 100A cartridge
1/2 Gallon fog juice